Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Bila dalam situasi ni kesabaran teruji...
Rasional atau tidak dalam mengambil keputusan untuk bertindak...
Otak bekerja 24 jam...
Heart beat reach to the max!

Siapa suka tekanan...?
Sakit kepala, sakit hati...
Risau tak tentu arah...
Semua serba tak kena...
Escape for a while...? Definitely...! - longer would be better...

Mula mempertikaikan...
Kalau aku buat dulu macam ni, mungkin tak jadi macam tu...
Kalau aku buat macam tu, mungkin jadi macam ni...
Kalau aku tak buat apa-apa?? Tak...tak...masa tu memerlukan aku untuk bertindak...
It's just, am I doing the right thing...??

Even by doing the right thing, the pressure is still there...
Truth sometimes wasn't nice at all...
Truth is hard to accept...
You are still the bad guy when you were just trying to fix things up....!
And there you are....still figuring out...
Pressure, keep on rising....

Some people put their pressure away...
Some people kept them inside....
Some people put them on others...

Searching for advice.....
I'm tired of doing that...!

I just want to escape....
Get my feet back on the ground...
Searching back for my strength...
Knowing that I'm better than this...

I don't know how to express myself....
Please don't ask me to talk about it...
Please don't ask me to tell you what I feel...
Stop asking for my problem...
Stop asking me if  I'm okay....
Stop trying to make me feel good...
Stop talking..........................
Just STOP..!!!

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